Values & Mission

Values & Mission


Clean drinking water is one of the most important conditions for a healthy life. 748 million people worldwide have no access to this resource. With SODIS, we disseminate a method that makes water safe and drinkable. In this way many people have access to a secure source of drinking water.

We educate people with the goal of “ Helping to Help Themselves”. We give the SODIS-Method to people because this gives them the opportunity to disinfect and make water from local sources clean and drinkable. The focus of our SODIS Projects are to work with the poorest of the poor, those who have the least access to clean drinking water.

A main part of our outreach activities is to convince other organizations and governments to work on increasing the access of people to clean drinking water.

In many countries, women and children are responsible for the provision of drinking water in the home, and they are at the center of our projects. We place value on not discriminating against any group of people in our projects. SODIS helps people irrespective of their religion or ethnicity.

We work together with local partner organizations in the implementation of our projects. Through our regular education and advanced training with the employees of our partner organizations, we insure that our expertise stays in the countries after the completion of our projects.

© SODIS 2020
Last update: 19.12.2014